What American Patriot wrote the first American Dictionary and created American English?
Correct answer: Noah Webster

a truly remarkable man!

Flower Lady
What the explanation text does not include is the fact that Noah Webster was such a forward thinking chap that he thought to include the 'slang of the times' in his dictionary, and so it continues today.

Flower Lady
He realized that language has life and experiences evolution pertinent to the times. He chose not to remain rigid and archaic in his thinking.

he is probably turning over in his grave, knowing how much we have shortened his book! lol!

Player #19139981
chowder is pronounced chow-dah

Player #19139981, only if you're from Boston

I didn't miss it before, but whilst living in England, came across the black & yellow covered
English ➡️ American & American ➡️ English
dicrionary. I used it frequently and learned alot! It's a fun book to read. Not much plot, but very informative.

Player #120374466
Wow, l knew about Webster, but not his influence on American culture and its language. And thus it's influence on the rest of our modern world.

I love language. I am so grateful to know the English language.

ok, silk?

Player #19139981, chow-dah. German,,chow-der,American hillbilly etc,,lol

I speak American English (I want small a.&e. phone won't let me)...we morph...

Mama Crow
thebigtabu, Likewise, dinosaur, dinosauri? Fun!

Mama Crow
Jeopardy Man, Yes, I see! Very clever. Thank you for that great bit of trivia. :)

jsk1776, he was truly gifted!!!