Which gangster film stars the characters Dandy Dan, Fat Sam and Tallulah?
Correct answer: Bugsy Malone

ComplicatedJewelry4, l'm glad you enjoyed it, but don't be ridiculous.

Player #96919, I'll say! loved Scot Biao, don't know what he looks like now!.

brilliant movie this, can remember my dad getting it on video, (and yes, it was quite a while ago), and were blown away by everything on it, from Jodie foster as tullulah, and a very young Scot Biao, as the hero of the piece

Player #96919
ComplicatedJewelry4, Scott Baio was a cute kid who grew up to be a gorgeous looking guy

One of the best films ever made. A real treat.

Player #254626
remember that movie when I was a kid. just fun