What's the name of the first black woman to get a PhD?
Correct answer: Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander

Montana Lady
SparklyDervish35892, even DECADES later Ruth Bader Ginsberg couldn't find a job at a law firm after finishing top in her class from Harvard & Columbia, taking both her own & her husband's classes & having multiple letters of recommendation... and she wasn't a black woman. So you can only imagine how awful it truly was....

Pimpao +
Great example

Player #2143687
way to climb a mountain, we need more women like that today.

Missy K
Player #3730033, there really is not REVERSE racism, it is just called racism, regardless of who is prejudice against whom.

Player #14550662
this young woman accomplishments reminds me of the movie "Hidden figures" which shows the struggles and success of 3 talented young black women during the 1960's in the NASA community. I love, love, love that movie. I think it deserved an oscar.

Now there's a name that belongs in the Pantheon along with the more recognizable names: Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander. I'm writing it down because it will take me awhile to remember it. Thank you, QuizzLand.

Player Bengal Mama
Montana Lady, Professor Lewis Henry Gates has a program on PBS, Finding Your Roots, that maybe the most important program on television today. Dr gates used paper records and DNA to positively identify people's actual genetic heritage, everybody's. Manny Potemkin cried like a baby on tonight's show when he discovered many of his family had died in "the camps" because of Nazi atrocities. many whites have coffee in their cream and black folks have cream in their coffee. We are Americans, a breed that never was before and I rejoice. Love ye one another, my fellow Americans, I feel like a rainbow, always have loved Rainbows.

Player #1443092
that's amazing sisters are doing it for themselves

Smratguy, Thank you S that's why we are marching today in 2020!

Montana Lady. I am a Black Woman. I've experienced prejudice for being a POC and a woman.

She was also a member of Delta Sigma Theta! AOML

Player #129810510
Augie, I think we focus on African Americans because racists are focusing right now on censoring African American history. But you make a valid point. We would all be better educated if we included the history of Jewish, Native and Asian Americans, as well!

Player #92723922
In the 1960s, 2 retired

Sounds like another great movie- making story for an accomplished woman in her time.

Who was the first Jewish, Native or Asian to earn a PHD. So why do we focus on African Americans?

Wannabe Vulcan
It doesn't even say what her PhD was in.

Felicia Abrams
Montana Lady, May she rest in peace. Truly loved and missed. The Notorious RBG reminds me of my Biochemistry Professor. I loved her too. Tough & Brilliant!!

Player Bengal Mama, Beautifully written

Females today don't really understand what we have done for them over the years. Even so some still need to fight for their rights today. We need to keep moving forward.

Player #34641139
So what field was her PhD in?

Right on for her. You go girl!

You Go Girl 💪

Then WE need to speak her name.

Player #2143687,
We need more everyone like that.

hence why black history should be taught all year instead of one month. no child will know who she is unfortunately.

Player #5100533
It would really be sad if Michelle Obama was the first one.

Player #4874807
Another guess

Player SQinfoNUTS
Smratguy, I'm not sure. However recording comments to post on here is extremely difficult and has many many restraints. It is also extremely difficult to correct something. Have mercy

When did "blackwoman" become a word?

Missy K
DarkskiesOsigma, good point.

Who is the first... So if it doesn't happen in the US, it doesn't count?