How many digits are in "π (also known as pi)?"
Correct answer: Over 31 trillion

π is an irrational number, so it has endless number of digits, the question is not very well formulated.

Player #19222106
Who could actually tell if she was correct?

Laudy Miss Claudy
Pi = 3.14. March 14

an infinite amount of digits is over 31 trillion I guess...

Byrde Alpha Bitch
My pin number is the last 4 digits of pi ;)

Is it really worth spending time working out digits as far as possible towards infinity? The end isn't reachable, so there's never a satisfactory end point.

What is formula for the circumference of a circle?
Pi x r square.
No, pi are round, cake are square!

Paul Steadman
It goes on forever. Perhaps the question should be asking the most number of digits to which pi has been calculated?

Milo, you are right. no one will find the end of it.

I absolutely do not understand one bit of all this, from the question, to the explanation or to the comments. What on earth is it all about?

Player #19222106, As of march 2024 the number has been calculated to 105 trillion decimal digits

toothless beachrat
Or in the famous words of a surfer dude..."um, like a lot, dude".

Wannabe Vulcan
The pi in the picture looks delicious!

trw6142, 2 pi r.

Player Jellybean,
Why is that? Because she spends so much time on
Her computer? Lol😀

Player #19222106, a mathematician checking for patterns in the numbers

an Indian mathematician calculated/found the π value

Republic of Taiwan
Player #19222106,
The computer does...

Player #78645511
Player Jellybean, I agree with you.

Player #30473817
The number of digits is the first 14 digits of pi. Maybe that’s why she stopped.

but what's the use of doing this, isn't it wastage of time

infinity and the irrational numbers these were contributed by the world famous indian mathematician FRS Srinivasa Ramanujan

although the answer over 31 trillion is correct, all the other answers are also equally correct, as pi has an infinite number of decimal places, including all the answers given. The correct answer should have been infinity in this case

weng ledesma
the value of finite fyi

Umaiza Waseem
I don't know that what about the Indian things what

what a huge waste of time.use your energy on something important

Player #19222106, I was also having the same thought.

we have been celebrating PI day much earlier than 2019

Player #31917081
I don’t think anyone will get the complete number

I am Aarohi
Circurference of circle is 2pieR

I am Aarohi
Area of circle is pieRsqure

I am Aarohi
Value of pie is 3.14 or 22/7