According to Benjamin Franklin, "Three may keep a secret if two of them are..." what?
Correct answer: Dead

Ragini Singh
two can keep a secret if one of them is dead ☺️
PLL fans?????

Truly a Renaissance man in every facet n he would be very sorry to see the USA in such perils with respect to the “Democracy

wileycoyote, OK. But, FYI: The one hundred dollar bill is more colloquially known as a "C-note ("C" is the Roman numeral for the value of 100) or a "Benny."

Ragini Singh, I always thought that was a Mafia saying. I didn't realize it dated back to Ben!

Player #19458108
Ragini Singh, the only reason I got this one!

I call a hundred dollar bill "a Franklin note."

Player #14000764
what a wise and intelligent man of his time. Today we need more people like him. Do he have descendants?