Oda Mae Brown is a key character in which suspense film?
Correct answer: Ghost

I miss you Patrick Swayze! R.I.P.

Whoopi WAS Oda Mae Brown. No one could have played it better.

Shelby Johnson
I absolutely love Whoppi Goldberg. I grew up watching her in movies. Plus as a kid I thought it was awesome that her real name is Karen Johnson, which happens to be my mother's name too! 😁 Fond memories...

She did a brilliant job and that Oscar was well-deserved.

I loved everyone in this movie… I miss Patrick.. I think this was one if his best movies… Ditto..Patrick. Rip

I won't watch any movies with Whoopi Goldberg in them, no matter how great the movie is, she destroyed everything with her disgusting ultra left wing politics. I used to like her long ago.

Made you want to learn pottery 😉

Great movie. For those who haven't seen it, put it on your movie bucket list.

Great movie. Whoopi was something else RIP to Patrick