In addition to being a noted movie actor, which city was Clint Eastwood the mayor of for two years?
Correct answer: Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

I remember when he was elected. I thought that was so cool that he served as mayor of Carmel, California.

Fantm101, you’re correct. The Hogs Breath Inn. I love that place.

Capt Morgan
One word...Beautiful 😍

Player #12129011
Monterey is my home town and it's beautiful!!!

Player #12129011, so true. I love Monterey. When I lived in the bay area, it was my favorite hide away!

Some of “Play Misty for Me” was filmed there, if I remember correctly.

FeasibleDocument6, I also lived on ft ord. loved the whole area.

Player #1827720
if anyone deserves a farewell to all his fans dedication on TV, alot of generations would love.

never been there,but I lived there with my family when there was still an Army base called Ft.Ord back in the day,lol