What is the name of the country inside of Italy?
Correct answer: Vatican and San Marino
lovemycats0002, San Marino and the Vatican are two city states located within Italy. The question makes it seem as though they are one in the same when actually they are seperate.
the ? asks about a country. the explanation then states they are not countries
The question is poorly worded. It ask for one country, then gives you two options. I would suggest rewriting/rewording the question.
this answer is confusing. is it or is or is it not a country?
Player #2047250
Question needs rewording.
Poorly written.
lovemycats0002, on another quiz game, they have similiar question, and the correct answer is the Vatican is the smallest country in the world.
Not sure who is correct, but I agree that this question very misleading.
two separate "countries"
Player Suze Eckert
So are they countries inside of a country or not?
Fun fact: Saint Peter was not actually the first Pope nor was he Catholic and he's not buried beneath St. Peters basillica. It was only created that way to give credibility to Catholicism.
In Italian “ Stato Città del Vaticano “ Vatican City state, and is the Residence of the Pope It’s the smallest state in the world, San Marino is also a state in the Italian territory.
Giggle pig
I have seen San Marino coins though.
kinda reminds me of Washington DC
ManiacalMedusa73962, same here am confuse 😕
I believe both of these are officially considered to be separate countries.
Republic of Taiwan
They are a country and city state probably means it has no capital, so it goes by the name Vatican and San Marino
Rosie, those are NOT countries
Tina M.
ManiacalMedusa73962, Yes, I also have read in different games that the Vatican is the smallest country in the world.
Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Very poorly worded. Is the Vatican a country or not????? 🧐
Both San Marino and Vatican City are countries. The peninsula that forms Italy was home, until the mod 19th Century, to many individual states, then united under Garibaldi. Similar story for Germany, apart from the Garibaldi bit. San Marino is just a vestige of that situation.
Player #11489934
terribly constructed question
Separate, but definitely unique.
Player #25358502
Player Suze Eckert, yes, they are
Player #19986009
Should have read countries!
Player #19283301
They same like Lesotho and Swaziland inside South Africa.
Player #12072381
agree with everyone. seems like a trick question.
it's all been ssid. just fix the question
Player #11852128
Haha .... most do not!!
I agree this question & answer/explaination are poorly worded. However, it's not so bad as to make it "un-playable". After all, the makers of this game are no more imperfect than those of us who play it.
badly written and the explanation is terrible
Player SQinfoNUTS
lovemycats0002, I don't understand either.
two different countries. badly put
Gary, please explain your statement.
Dr Funkfunk
I have visited both San Marino and the Vatican. Beautiful!!! I love Italy and the "little countries" inside the country.
ManiacalMedusa73962, YEAH! We will have to look it up now!