Which Greek god is commonly depicted with winged sandals and a hat?
Correct answer: Hermes

I wonder when Marvel will do a film about him

Was chatting to a friend about the distribution company and had to explain which God Hermes were named after, I also explained that Mercury was his Roman name too!! 🤣

Hermes is a name of my cousin, son of Peter Zeus

baymax, I think they already have?!

Angry Toe
I thought they could add this guy into Fortnite😭🤣

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Most mythologies & religions have stories/story lines that are somewhat interchangeable if not almost completely duplicated identical. Research.

J, I was looking for Mercury, but I remembered he was a Roman god. I think they’re one and the same, though.

Lilli Qeen
It is my birthday today I’m nine

Those winged sandals sure came in handy. He was the messenger of the gods after all.

Player #85315195
Certainly, a God of many hats.

Cat Mom
Conductor of the dead to Hades.. I'm sure glad that I'm a Christian!

and the god of travellers and thieves

Hermes or Mercury is a messenger