According to the Gospels, what is the unique literary genre Jesus employs to preach his message?
Correct answer: Parable

I enjoy many of Jesus,s parables, always insightful

Player #20331115
Yes The Good Samaritan, Sower and the seeds,Ten virgins,and so on impart discipline and principles on us.

How different would the world be if Jesus had taught by satire...?

I think it is means a moral or a spiritual truth. Think to see what is morality correct

Player #97184361
Andrew , It may be but it sure makes one think and think deeply not just cast aside easily. ! ! !

Uninitialized, he is the way

Uninitialized, parables of duplicity

I live in the Caribbean and I
once heard many years ago
a pastor saying that a parable
is: "an earthly story with a
heavenly meaning"

RushMama2112, yes, very!!

when they say a word comes from Greek, why do they write the word in Greek?I believe them. besides I can't read Greek

Diamond ice hashira 🎐
I love the parables of Jesus . please always read bible