Which dog breed is in the picture?
Correct answer: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

weren't all dogs wild once?

Player #9442102
Player #5150, a friend of mine had a wolf/dog. It was beautiful but I wouldn't totally trust it. My friend said you had to establish you were the alpha dog not the dog.

Player maz
fab dogs but not for anyone that cannot be with them 24/7. need to be mentally and physically occupied and trained really well. i rescue huskies and wolf dogs. too many people are seduced by the look. not a breed for the fainthearted or anyone with carpets!

Player #10639782
wolf dogs are a bad idea. wolves are hunters and roamers. they need many miles to travel and hunt. having a dog that's half wolf is extremely hard to train

Player #25144199
Nice dog ( will that do?)

That one almost looks like a husky. Pretty eyes.

king of Quiz
its face is matching the wolf

what a heavy name!

I love dogs❤😍

Little Saint, why would change the name? They not called Iranian cat neither, there is no Persian empire now.

My neighbor has a wolf dog that’s a real large and scary looking dog. People are afraid of it. It doesn’t bark at people though.

Player #9442102, I agree! I have always found that I had more "control" over my dogs if I also had their "respect" as the Alpha as well as the caretaker!
I think dogs naturally assimilate into a pack hierarchy, and in cases where there is no "pack", such as single animal households, they naturally find their "niche" within the immediate family members around them as a substitute pack!
I think that even though most dogs realize they are at the bottom of the hierarchy in a human household, they are content and happy just being a part of it as it is their comfort place where they feel loved and protected!

Didn’t even look at the answers I just said wolf then said Wolf so I went to something that’s close to wolf

oh !!Dogs everywhere in my life

Gina, Dido!!!

Gina, I love animals more than most people. If people had a personality more like a dog than they would be easier to love. So many people are to self centered and inconsiderate. Most days I would rather be anything but a human. People need more God implanted in them, so they can be kind to animals and other people.

PerkyLin, Wow that is sad but true.

Player maz, good information thanks

Player #10639782, Absolutely right! To intentionally cross those two species just makes for an animal that can't be safely kept as a pet, but also can't function well enough as a wild animal. The lucky ones are taken in by special rescue groups, but most have to be euthanized or shot.

bra brabrabra

I had a friend who had a coyote - dog. German Shepard and Coyote. Loyal dog. Very sweet & loving.

TJ SISTER, I had a husky/wolf from up north her name was Tsha,black/white with blue eyes,loved kids..but had to take her for walks everyday as she loved to run..guess the wolf side of her

IzzyFizzyDoo on YouTube
i just pick the answer with the longest words and it works

I don't know

nam nam
i find it hard to pronounce hehe

why someone answer French bulldog?!

its so kyott

I love 💕 dogs

Player #73921232
I'm a bout to WOOF WOOF!

Player maz, 8

I love all dogs and cats, even more than people.

Looks like a husky to me

Actually I like that dog

This dog breed is very beautiful

Player #9442102, I have a black German shepherd wolf mix and she is the sweetest most loving dog I've met, she even adopted a kitten

Me:Why is it looking like a white husky 🧐

Christ Requin
I love dogs so much but this one will be in my list of what I want when I grow up 😅🐶

I love dogs and I know most of the breeds

What kind of name is that!🤨

Player #37714391
Actually, I like and prefer wolves and foxes rather than dogs.