How do you call someone who is habitually active or wakeful at night?
Correct answer: Owl

Me. I'm a night owl, have been since I can remember.

RushMama2112, me too, can't remember ever being a morning person...😁

It should be,"What do you call someone who is habitually awake at night", not who.

Player #27741749
WHAT do you call. not HOW do you call...

I am a late sleeper so
am I an owl?

Player #19719147
give me a good campfire and some beer at my property in Michigan with some good stars and a my telescope and I'm a night owl. Then when the East turns light and it's not so dark anymore, I guess I become a morning person. Then I go to bed lol

I'm an early bird

Excuse the Kuz
It's 1:45 am now. Nothing odd about this. I like the nightlife, I like to boogie...

Tara Tippy.
That's me.

Player #78229392
hdfjr yrf

Should be: what do you call someone. Not HOW.

that's me!! even my mum will attestify to that

Jeri Milemon
I'm on here at 2:12am I stay up late and sleep late

Briar75, you are considered "normal"...but we all know that's just a setting on the washing machine 😏

What are you called if you don’t wake up early OR stay up late? I’m not a lark or an owl but whatever just enjoys afternoon 🥴

actually it's me 😂😂

cute girl
I'm a night owl 🦉🤭

Eman Fatima
My all siblings are night owls

Player #3945058
Not "how", it's "what."

I'm neither a night owl nor an early bird.. To tell simply.. I like sleeping a lot😂🤣😴😴

so what our old generations says that we should sleep😴 like a early bird🕊 and not like a night owl🦇...