Which is the world's largest art museum?
Correct answer: Louvre
I know the Mona Lisa, or Jaconde, as the French call her, is very famous, but my favorite is the Coronation of Napoleon by David. so much incredible detail that brought out the history.
i went in the 90s it was amazing!!!!!
We were one of the many who queue las June on our very first visit to France, my son and I loved it. Not the long queue!
GoGo BOSS Prague
As a French guy living in Prague, I was sure it was the MoMa in NYC..
Player Elf Counsel
Qatwalk, Ii wasn't impressed by the Mona Lisa. I found a much bigger portrait, La Belle Feronia. I was transfixed. Her expression seemed to constantly change. I was lucky enough to find bookmark with it on in Rome.
Player #2512936
AutumnalCrust12, Open Your mind!