Bruce Banner is the alter ego of which superhero?
Correct answer: The Hulk

Mark Ruffalo is the best Hulk, IMHO.

I also liked Bill Bixby as the Hulk in the old TV show.

Clown Boss
those aren't hulks. picture lou ferrigno in a fright wig and green grease paint. see the difference?

I watched the Original series when it was on TV. Recently bought the DVD Series Collection.. Bill Bixby played Dr. DAVID Banner, NOT Bruce Banner. 😠

It's "David Banner"

Lady butterfly
Loved Bill Bixby. Also good in The Courtship of Eddy’s Father.

knowledge hunger, Ferigno

Mars V
ccmomma, On the tv show, his first name was David.

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry

knowledge hunger
Not so ,The 1st live version of The Incredible Hulk was CBS 📺 show Starring Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner & Lou Frigidno as The Hulk

Mars V, but his first name was Robert

Mars V
KittyKat, On the tv show, Bruce was his middle name.

I'm surprised how many chose Batman.