Which of these are short forms of the names of the McDonald brothers?
Correct answer: Dick and Mac

57 Condor
Unfortunately they got robbed by a lowlife salesman

Player #6852065
watch the movie The Founder to get the full story of how Ray Kroc stole the business from them.

Yknip 7
The world's oldest existing original McDonald's building is in my hometown - Downey, California. Golden Arches, and Speedee.

Yknip 7,
I grew up in Downey,
my 1st HS job was at that McDonald's @ 1973.
Danny G.

Player #6852065, yes, Michael Keaton was excellent in his role as the shady Ray Kroc.

"Yup, that shady crook Kroc sure robbed those poor New Hampshire boys, didn't he?" - They say as they enjoy a burger, fries, and a Coke at the local Mickey D's...

Player #44772116
didn't want to touch that one very sensitive

mac gave it away