What was usually delivered by pigeon post?
Correct answer: Message
Mercy Akanimo
I knew the answer to this from
Watching movies
just because the pigeon on the picture is carrying a parcel doesnt mean that's the answer XD HAHAHAHA
Player en_846
Parcels.., Amazon would have taken advantage of that
Spring is a cat
pigeons always go back to their owner
little b
I've not heard of a message
how many people got this bonus question
n2 3fnd3fu5___
Does anyone know the homing pigeons they actually exist, no matter how far they go they never get lost
Mercy Akanimo ,
everyone knows it lol
Mei Ling
did you know that night-flying pigeons in the war?
Mei Ling
Mercy Akanimo , me too! Chinese stories often portray this
Player #6616037
Arohanui, one bird did delivered “Dumbo”😄🐘
Player #24173437, I knew that I wasn't the only one😅
Once a big pigeon somehow spawned on my house roof. We assumed it was a pigeon who delivered messages. I don't know why.
Player #31753367
There is an Animal Cemetery in Essex England supported by the PDSA for those that received the Dickins Medal for War efforts and bravery. A pigeon is amongst them...many successful missions. A few Graves away is Simon hero of HMS Amathyst who does have a Web site.
Player #48917558
( · _ · ) 👍, a good source of protien as well hehehe
C o s m i c v a g e
Soldiers in the 19th Century used this to deliver messages to place to place
Dark Unicorn Theory
i already saw the @ so i hew it was like somekind of message or email
I heard that from a hindi song believe me they do help you sometimes 😅
thanks a lot Hedwig
Mercy Akanimo , me too
Rinilla Rahman Bristy
That was an easy question!!! I knew that from childhood as my parents & grandma used to say about it.
Player #24173437
For some reason, this reminds me of Hermes
candy girl
The messages were delivered by passenger pigeons.
Mandeep Kaur
i knew it only bcz of movies i have seen pigeon delivering message in movies
Arohanui, no
i want to use that thing
Player #27894374
l learnt that in grade 4
Daksh yadav
in old times people used pigeon for giving parcel
justin ahron banglayan
i thought it was a massage...
sorry oops I forget this type of question answer