Which American inventor is considered the founder of the modern frozen food industry?

Correct answer: Clarence Frank Birdseye II

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
larry the learner
larry the learner
so interesting. every successful endeavor came from simple ideas
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Really interesting. I love learning about old established company origins.
Player #16701487, i am from a rural isolated island in southeast alaska(sitka) in the late 50s to 60s and 80s i remember this: awful canned vegetables then vegetables in a big frozen block of water then (always water logged and tasteless).then behold delicious flash frozen vegetables.thanks birdseye!
Player #16701487
Player #16701487
I love all of their frozen food s .
Player #cbonmaui
Player #cbonmaui
I worked there in high school in the 70s. I will forever hate frozen peas.