“Eureka” which is Greek for “I have found (it)”, was uttered by which inventor?
Correct answer: Archimedes

So he found out how to calculate the volume of the royal jewels when his own family jewels displaced the bath water?

(I don't want to be too negative but ...) a common failing of high school science is that mass, weight and density are not well understood by students.

Lady Jane M
three western states, utah. Nevada and California have towns named Eureka. due to the rich ore in them thar places!

Laudy Miss Claudy
"Eureka" is also the motto of California, only that eureka refers to the finding of gold in the 1800s.

StinkyEagle, Sicily was a Greek colony making Archimedes a Greek in the same sense that thousands of American colonists were still English even though they were not living in England.

I too shout in the bath when making the discovery that the water is too blooming hot! 🥵

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Lady Jane M, Actually, there are many more places than that named Eureka in America. They range from coast to coast, border with to border & everything in between in many states. Sometimes multiple places in the same state & even a college.

StinkyEagle, he was greek. Syracuse was a greek colony in Sicily. The language spoken was ancient greek. Eureka is a greek word. Read also the last paragraph in the description.

Player #204043
Aristole? Maybe Aristotle.