Which of these artists has had the most paintings stolen?

Correct answer: Pablo Picasso

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
probably because he was so very prolific?
Violet coat dude
Violet coat dude
MamaLuvzULexie, art is subjective
Player #96919, he seems to have had a very strange perspective. 😊
Player #96919
Player #96919
Guillermo, Can't understand why anyone would want to steal any of his so called "art"
My type of art is work by Monet. Love his paintings!
not my type of art, I prefer real art like Constable
I love Monet too Tina, but I wouldn't turn down a Picasso!!
Pablo Stolo
I think Guernica is an amazing painting. So sad.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Kat, Compared to his peers who were doing some of the same type of art? Can't remember any of their names, but we remember his. Without change & breaking the rules once & a while, all we are doing is conforming, spinning our wheels & never advancing. That seems boring to me, you are welcome to share my opinion on this.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Nannad, What is "real" is subject to interpretation.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Mike T, Why is obvious. Two reasons at least. One, for the money!!! OR Two, for the status of your personal society or social standing.
gaural dhuldhule
gaural dhuldhule
Davy, Livingston, you are right
Mike T
Mike T
Why would anyone want to steal one? The students in my grade 3 class could paint you one for free.
Puppy lover!!
Puppy lover!!
Player #96919, excuse me! His art is new, exciting and different. Everyone sees something else, wich is what makes it so unique.