Which species of cockroach can hiss?
Correct answer: Madagascar cockroach

Player Number1Explor
I suppose the sound is endearing to those who keep them as pets but as for me , I'm the one who'd be hissing first at my disgust at the sight of one in my home ( as unlikely as that would be 😂)

Why would anyone want insects as pets??😱

don't like cockroaches, full stop!!

of over 4000 different species of cockroaches only 2 are known as pests to man. love 'em or hate 'em they have their place in nature

And I thought big spiders are my worst nightmare. 7.5 centimeter long cockroaches! I will die if one runs across my floor!!

Player #77118933
My first impression..."meet my shoe".

Probably the only cockroach I'd be okay with holding. I'd prefer a walking stick or praying mantis, though.

Tasty Potato
Two questions in a row about cockroaches, what gives?

The only insect I ever had as a pet was a darling green grasshopper, I found him dead on his bed of lettuce he was supposed to snack on !! He lived only two days, I cried and cried !! 😥😥😢😢

Cockroach Scary and terribly disgusting

Wannabe Vulcan
baymax, "Snakes! Why couldn't it have been snakes?!"

Byrde Alpha Bitch
They have been used in fashion as well. They were jewelled up, put on "leashes" & worn on the garment as a Roach Broach.

smarty pants
has anyone ever seen that show, fear factor. well, the contestants eat them as a challenge.

Player Number1Explor, yeah, I'm glad I don't live in Madagascar! even the sound of it sounds disgusting

herb198220, hmm snakes, maybe? but alligators, nah!

Player #28825483, yeah exactly?! I wouldn't!