Until the 1970's, which of these was served to Belgian children as a part of their school meal?
Correct answer: Beer

Player #30740230
Beer in school=sleepy children

Republic of China
Same thing for France but with wine
Explanation :
It seems incredible, but not so long ago, children were served wine at school. And not just a little. In fact, each child was allowed half a liter per day! It was only in August 1956 that the French Ministry of Education forbade the serving of any alcoholic beverage in schools for children under 14 years old only!
School canteens could serve half a litre of wine, cider or beer to pupils under 14 until 1956. Alcohol was banned entirely from schools in 1981.
The legal drinking age in France is 16, but like alot of things considered personal choice it's more suggestion than rule. Accompanied by their parents a slightly younger one might order a small glass of light wine.