Which actor did Arnold Schwarzenegger co-star with in the film "Twins"?
Correct answer: Danny DeVito

Flower Lady
one of my most favorite movies of all time

I really liked it, My oldest son was born the year it came out, along with Beetlejuice, another great movie.

Player #9926363
One of my favorite movie

Player #28039290
I love this movie one of my favorites no profane language just laughter it is a little violence

Player #38629821
I knew it was Danny Devito, but my hand slipped because I was answering too fast. Dang it!!

Player #5100533
As Coors was one of the movie's sponsors, note the product placement throughout the movie, & I worked for Coors, I was privileged to go to a private screening, before it came out to the public. It was funny, but now, I dislike Danny Devito, very much, for his hateful anti-republican rhetoric....