Who said: "If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing"?
Correct answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

May have been Napoleon but sure sounds like a Trump attitude.

Most politicians mantra for life, unfortunately

The sheeple, unfortunately believe the "Power people's lies". And we have had too many for decades in the USA. These last 4 years have just proven the immensely ignorant people are sheeple. Grow up, truly educate and stop the reality(?) tv show admiration that so many are influenced by. And that includes "party" news. Let the actual facts speak for themselves. Don't claim to know something because "I heard it" from someone else.

Player #38618593
Oh my, just look at that list. What a rogues gallery!

Black Ice
Promise everything..deliver nothing. Lol and people still fall for the same ol' tricks

Player #43063096
All politicians lie!!! No exceptions!!!

Player #46980523
Actually, it's Britain's Napoleon, Boris Johnson.

On time
Quite sounds like the pm in Malaysia

Dieu linh
Qua la tuyet vpi

Player #49101312
be excellent ti each other

Gator, sounds great, but when you include cliches like "sheeple", it shuts people's ears and eyes to what follows. I completely agree with looking at events with unshielded senses.