What is sometimes done to the hockey puck before a game?

Correct answer: People freeze it

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
swish, went to hockey game in college. When the puck sailed over my head decided not to go to another game!
Player #109668975
Player #109668975
I went to a fight one time and a hockey game broke out.
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Actually every puck is frozen for NHL games, it must be a wikipedia answer that was used. This is definitely the way the picks are prepared for every game, not "some people freeze them"...
the last sentence gives the answer
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Player #9442102, That was a good Idea. People have been seriously injured and even killed watching a game. I do not understand why something else is not invented to make the game safer to watch! What is with these fights? Is it a hockey game or a fighting match?
Goodbye Moonmen
Goodbye Moonmen
I thought all pucks were frozen before a game to reduce bouncing