Which planet was named after the Roman God of water?

Correct answer: Neptune

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
jackie r
jackie r
Just completed a really easy round. This seems to happen every now and again...strange!
Tina, 😅
I learned that I need to read question carefully. I read god of war! 🤔
Player heren
Player heren
FunTriv, They were trying to calculate something else and realized there was an anomaly which turned out to be Neptune.
Ummmm .... just how did they find something so far away by math, when they did not know it existed? If they couldn't see it , how did they know what to calculate?
Cha Cha
Cha Cha
Although I can see from the explanation that it has a blue hue, I thought earth is referred to as 'the blue planet', not Neptune 🤔
Sailor Blue
Sailor Blue
Being a sailor in the Navy, I'll always relate to the God of the oceans as being Poseidon.
Technically, he was the god of the ocean. Each body of water -- from a spring to a sea -- usually had its own spirit or deity.