Which song and artist’s lyrics sing of a world without borders or religious and nationality divisions?
Correct answer: ‘Imagine’, by John Lennon

One of the most beautiful songs in modern music.

Great song!!!

Player #4821096
A talented man taken from us far too soon by a lunatic

kelloggs 4791
he died way too young, rip Mr Lennon

Renaissance Man
A beautiful song by a beautiful human being.

I first heard of the song on a Joan Baez album. I was struck by how beautiful it was.

My Mum and Grandma loved this song.. both very religious, they failed to notice that the lyrics said "imagine no religion" .. which is part of the recipe for world peace. JL nailed it.

Love the song, but love the singer more. May he rest in peace.

Truly an iconic piece that made me enjoy Lennon n his genius EVER more!!! Nice nugget that his wife Yoko was instrumental

Player #37898041
invalid for the times we live in, each to their own, not all people have the same principles.

My favorite song!