Which movie follows the story of a man survived after a virus that wiped out most of mankind?
Correct answer: I Am Legend

Player #9442102
Daybonn, I think Will Smith is a good actor and enjoy his movies.

I saw the Omega Man with Charleton Heston in the 1970’s. Similar script.

miadoe 4 chesterbe
I love this movie and the star. It was sad though...I'll have to look for the Omega Man. I am still searching for a movie based in NYC with a similar plot.

Timothy Joseph Zoellick
Smokey 98, then 'The Omega Man' is the one for you. To me, it's not quite as good as 'I Am Legend', but that is mainly to do with the more modern special effects and technical aspects of 'I Am Legend'. Plus, I am a bigger fan of Will Smith than Charlton Heston, but that is just a personal choice. But I do believe you will enjoy 'The Omega Man' ♤♡◇♧

I have not heard anything about that.

Mars V
Timothy Joseph Zoellick, The albino hippies weren’t very scary.

Will Smith is an excellent actor. Unfortunate what occurred during Oscar ceremony.

Enjoyed the movie but felt sad that the character that found the way to eradicate it had to die!