Which monument is in the picture?
Correct answer: Stonehenge

My family are from Salisbury. I used to play on the stones all the time. My Aunty used to live close by.

Player #1147652, sign of the times as people can no longer be trusted to RESPECT their surroundings.... so sad

Player #1147652, I was there in the early 1960's, it was a different time, for sure!

Player Elf Counsel
TwistedZombie81425, I was there in the fifties. Before greed stepped in.

Player #1147652, wow i like the picnic part.

I hope to visit it soon

Unfortunately you won't be able to go very close.
It's surrounded by a rope barrier, to protect it from human damage...graffiti and the like.
The closest you can get is about 50 ft.

little b
I've not been to Stonehenge

Debbsy. you are very lucky

I've been to Stonehenge it was so nice

I have been there and it's absolutely beautiful. Worth a visit.

That's on my bucket list 😊.

I loved it so so much 💕

Geography Kid
It's like teeth

Player #45169877
Does'nt anyone realize that stonehenge is an altar
Decomposed body remains could mean that there were human sactifices. And if you have ever seen a withches altar then you know it is in a circle

Uninitialized packrat
TwistedZombie81425, ya well I helped build it.

Star Cat!
Stone henge gives me nightmares, I imagine myself standing there alone, a few moments later a creature with long claws and pale white skin come at me, I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night

Mystical Dimples
dan...-, Wow!! I'd love to experience that one day..

Pimpao +, indeed it is. We visited just after Litha, appropriately. 😉

Player #27337815
Along with the Stonehenge there are many other ancient monuments of the world that are outstanding and nice to see but The Stonehenge is really a lovely prehistoric monument of England and it is located near the plains of Salisbury. A must visit place in England.