What is a baby Raccoon called?
Correct answer: Kit

I love raccoons!

I love all critters. That having been said, they are horrible opportunists that will destroy entire flocks of chicken geese or other domestic birds. They eat only the breasts or sometimes kill and leave the carcasses. You can to trap and relocate or kill them to save your animals. They will even kill cats and small dogs. They also have a huge vocabulary and distinct different sounds.

Suekirider, I love raccoons too, but we don't have them on this side of the pond.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
We see them every night on the porch.

Player #11964828, you're getting your Beatles songs mixed up

Yah0odee, they sound like humans 🤣

Player Say what!?, they can be horrible although cute.

Player Say what!?
I live in the city and have had whole families on my back porch to eat cat food I put out for strays. Mistake. As cute as they were, I had to remove the cat food but years later I still see them walking along the top of my fence.