How many colors are there in the rainbow?
Correct answer: 7

Player SQinfoNUTS
penawareof, a short time ago I saw not only a double rainbow in Southeastern Pennsylvania I also was lucky enough to see what they're called Sun dogs. Sun dogs appear to be tiny little bits of rainbow appearing on either side of a summer sun

Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue.
That’s where you’ll find me. Where my dreams come true. 👠👠🌈😍

Two fun facts - all rainbows are double if the sun is bright enough, except the dimmer one is a mirror image reflection of the other. Look closely and you'll see the colours are reversed. And, if conditions are right but you don't know where to look to spot the rainbow, just look at your shadow - it always points directly at the rainbow.

Player #15183414
easy to memorize ROY G BIV

Player #1386132
AceEnemy23746, It was God’s promise never to send a flood to cover the whole earth again. That’s it’s true meaning.

My Aunt drove through the end of a rainbow. She said the colors came right through her windows and all around her. She felt as if God touched her.

i love rainbows i have seen rainbows only two times in my life and in Pakistan they are quite rare❤❤🇵🇰

We need a good rainbow again here where I live on the east coast. They don't show up very often.

Fun fact: The rainbows you see are an arch, beginning and ending on the horizon. If you're lucky enough to see one from an airplane (in the air) it may appear as a circle. No kidding! Search it on YouTube! Cheers!

Easy way to remember Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vein ...

Leo74, That is not fun at all

Yoru 🤓
easy easy 😭🙏

Titus Baimba
really wow that's great 👍

Red,orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo, Roy G. Biv

what's up 😊 🤪 😏

Is good it’s good77888

Bro, you have a good thing in your inside. Love you1109 do you have a lot of numbers you’re good at it don’t do your homework. You have to leave your house but I can take leaf too because I have 190 450 654 and 1000 bye-bye for your mom bye$6860

shi lu
that's crazy 😧

Player #149424603
the rainbow doesn't show at night

when looking rain bow lsee wonder of GOd

I saw the the end of a rainbow it was amazing!

That was a easy question

Leo74, Very cool fun fact! Thanks for sharing!

there is no ending or beginning of a rainbow 🌈 . it is just round like a cycle

Ricky rocks, is true! In the bible say it

Player #1386132, is true! God made this beautiful rainbow as a promise. God is love ❤
He always keep this promises, he is a promise keeper

نيك موك

تولي لعبة عربية

Player SQinfoNUTS, that's cool

Player #148990271

Officer Aubree
Jan, no you didn’t

Officer Aubree
UtahVal, cute kitty what’s your cat’s name

Officer Aubree
MamaLynn, actually that is so cool

Officer Aubree
Player #15183414, nice pic

Officer Aubree
I saw a triple rainbow in Minnesota last week and it was so cool and beautiful

the colour of visible part of the sun radiation .

Easy I think every child know this

Player #15183414, Richard OF York Gained Battle In Vain.

Me to im a rainbow to living in the sky you see me from Farr away in the sky seeing 7 colours bright and beautiful see a rainbow another day

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