What was the purpose of the U.S. secret military program called Operation Paperclip at the end of WWII?

Correct answer: Recruit German scientists to gain advantage in the space race

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
oh well that's ok then for get all their passed deeds and atrocities ,as long as they get you to the moon
what has this got to do with TV and film?
Player: Coco
Player: Coco
These counter operations are so fascinating - like moving 6000 people in one night? Stealing intelligence at the moment of vulnerability. All the ulterior motives going on - what movies this makes!
Player #25874027, your thinking of going to the moon 'in this decade'. The space race was started in the early fifties with Sputnik.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
luckycatfay, Actually heading for the moon didn’t come into the equation until President Kennedy in the 1960s. The Ammuricans purely wished to exploit Nazi weapons technology.
The Salamander
The Salamander
Trump2020, Looks like a typo.