Between 1968 and 2011, how many people in the U.S. died from the use of firearms?
Correct answer: Approximately 1.4 million

I couldn't believe it either, until I realized 1.4 million was over a 53 year span. Still a lot, but most are suicides. Sad.
Some perspective: About 28 million abortions during that span.

U gun nuts in the US (and anyone else who wants the bottom line of this silly debate told in a hilarious monologue)should check out Aussie stand up comedian Jim Jeffries bit on gun control from his 'Raw' album titled 'gun control',(adult language used). His observations and descriptions are spot on. Too funny.

this statistic needs broke down to show what type of death. suicide, or police necessary shootings etc. kind of a big number but also it's a long span and many other things cause high rates of death. very poor question

Craig Rehm
Andrew44, go to the raw numbers are there