Which of these dishes is a traditional Mexican delicacy?
Correct answer: Escamoles
I was out after the first paragraph. I don't have the nerve to try something like that. On the other hand, you would be hard pressed to find something my dad wouldn't eat.
weedwhacker, First sentence knocked me out lol...now my hubs and my dad will eat anything 😒 ughh...
Hope no one at Taco Bell plays this game. Don't want ant larvae in my Chapula
Player #21374632
weedwhacker, I’m with you, but my sister is like your dad,! She will eat anything that won’t bite back.
Yeah... I don't think so. Gracias but hard pass.
South of Mexico City they also eat chumiles and jumiles, a type of stink bug. Sometimes ground and/or fried but frequently eaten raw in a taco. You have to eat them quickly before they run out of the sides of the small soft taco. I watched but did NOT participate.
Player #27643412
Player #10872599, I do remember as a kid my brother ate an extremely long earthworm plenty of bread & tomato sauce, (I suspect more bread than worm) that was for a bet...
Uninitialized, That's pretty narrow minded! Most Mexican dishes don't contain things like larva. As for Mexican food not appealing to you, that's too bad. You're really missing out!
tunegrabber, my grandfather used to say, "if you're starving, you'll eat ought"
Most cultures have something similar. In Australia one is the witchetty grub, a large wood eating moth larvae, white and about the size of a fat thumb. They taste like almonds or peanut butter raw and eggy chicken cooked.
Don't even mention the Chinese and what they eat !
This is all I have to say about that. 🤮
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Trivia titan, Maggots are fly larvae, these are ant larvae.
Sounds really nice tbh.
Player #2512936
I will Pass. It is amazing what some people will eat! Andrew Zimmern!
Trivia titan, larva is there a difference? maggot sounds sooo much worse! Coulnt try it if the said maggot.That word makes my skin crawl
I would try it .....i think but coulnt think about what it was.l have a bsd gag reflex and a thing about certain textures. I would have to be fried with lots of seasoning
Trivia titan
Maggots 🤯
Ancika Naomi Loves Korea
The word is literally sounds like mexican