According to the Bible, where did Noah's Ark come to rest after the flood?
Correct answer: In the mountains of Ararat

Player #9956654
the way people and morals have become it may be time to built another ark!

Player #34635156
Player #9956654, The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise that he will never destroy the living things on earth by rain ever again!

He could have left the mosquitos and cockroaches behind.

Mars V
Nix, The story originated among people who believed the world was flat. The water just ran off the edge.

Player #96890951
Answer should have been Mount Ararat

which is in present day 🇹🇷

if the entire earth was covered in water then where did the water recede to.

Joseph, the lions 🦁 ate the unicorns 🦄

amazingest, no way the ark could hold all living animals on earth- what did the lions eat?

After the flood, God promised Noah there wouldn't be another flood. However He will judge people on earth another way. He will not allow humans to continue sinning without punishment.

Player #34635156, yes indeed...

Player #13496801
well thank GOD the ark has been found .. ALL GLORY TO GOD

Player #25127195, and a rainbow too

Jesus Christ is our Saviour Ark in these last days. John 1 and John 3:16

Msbwitch, "he will do it by fire" but we will do it ourselves 🤔😆

Player #25127195, fire will destroy the earth this time....

I guess there really wouldn't be anything. the wood should be gone by now.