Which educator was acclaimed for the educational method that builds on the way children learn naturally?
Correct answer: Maria Montessori

Player #9442102
Laudy Miss Claudy, I wish I had gone to one of these schools.I would have liked to learn at my pace instead of a regular elementary school pace. I seemed to learn at a slower pace than my peers.But once I learned something it stuck with me.

Laudy Miss Claudy
My two kids attended Montessori school and they loved it.

Laudy Miss Claudy, my daughter attended the year before she entered Kindergarten. She was always somewhat ahead of her peers and I definitely put it down to that year in Montessori.

Angela Golden
my son started at a day care who did this type of teaching when he was three. It was a great start to his formal education. They should teach this in kindergarten or every child should have access to this program before starting school.

Player #9442102, I went to a Montessori school in Des Moines, Iowa, and remember LOVING school and learning.

Dear All,,My Name is Martin ...Iam from India ...In our Beautiful country India ...There is a state called Uttar pradesh ..There is a school called City Montessori School in lucknow the state capital of uttarpradesh.....The school has an enrolled student strength of 58,00 and a working teacher strength of 3,000 and the school had also won the unesco award for education ...We Indians are proud of it 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊

We have a Montessori school in London Ontario, never looks twice at it till now. I love this game, you learn so much!!

my son and daughter in law just bought a Montessori School, the school has been good for my grandson

Player #16702581
great to teach children based upon wo they are and what they connect with. what could I have been had someone realized how I connected to the world. creative, curious, nature.. wow trying to do it now for myself at 50+ yrs. finding out how intelligent I am from this game.

சண்முக ஆர்த்தி
This practice was early in India named as "Guru Gulam"

Player #25028854, why did you meet her?😂