Who voiced Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse?
Correct answer: A husband and a wife

Question needs to be more specific. Voiced them when, what decades? Because Walt Disney voiced Mickey until 1968.

Should have specified the years. mickey has been around since the 1920s, and these voice actors weren't until the 80s.

Cizinka, Correct
In fact, Disney himself was the very first voice of Mickey.

RushMama2112, I can't imagine why your comment got thumbs down. Your comment is quite right. Time frame is important.

Player #120374466
Cizinka, The one who wrote question is obviously of a younger generation and didn't research an era beyond his/her own life span

RushMama2112, you are so correct, not a well thought out question!

I went by the image (present day) and process of elimination that Walt's name wasn't listed.

c m
RushMama2112, Thank you I was thinking the same thing