What is the national fruit of the Philippines?
Correct answer: Mango

Player #4047702
I love mango ice cream.

Some of the best mangoes called the DUSSERI grows in my hometown, Lucknow, India.

thank you for the information I didn't know it

mangos is good

Ian Voris C. Chua
We love Mangoes because we are Filipinos.

Mango almost tastes like papaya to me

In malayalam we also say mangaa

its Tagalog not Tagalong. btw i love mangoes especially Indian Mango hmmm. Proud Pinoy

we are in Indonesia called it 'mangga' too

Zambaleño here

I'm a filipino citizen and my Favourite Fruit is Mango, we even have a Twin Mango in our Backyard/Garden and the twin of the other mango tree was cut because our roof is gonna break when big strong wind or rain the mangos are falling and also the biggest ones, the smallest and the Normal sizes were the best!

Diamond ice hashira 🎐
I'm a Filipino citizen and I like mango or mangga .

Concorde, Cristina
I have those varieties mentioned above of mangoes in my house in the Philippines.. It's truly right how they described it.. thanks for bringing it out here..

Player #10702960
It is illegal to bring mangoes from the Philppines into this country. Found this out when we tried to bring some into LAX a few years ago.

heretic, maybe typo error

heretic, maybe typo

the best mango in the Philippines😍😍😍