Which of these is a traditional dish of Dongyang, Zhejiang, China?
Correct answer: Virgin boy eggs

why do people do these crazy things ?

this put me off my noodles...

Player #6852065
No salt needed.

Yucks! The Chinese would eat anything with its back to the sun.

Player Say what!?
luckycatfay, So many gross, sickening foods they eat including dogs, monkey brains while they're still alive, made me vow many years ago to never go there.

Roy Howitt
My wife is from Zhejiang and believe me she would NEVER eat that!!!!🤮

Mike T
Ummm, I think I'll skip breakfast!

Tina M.
I wish I hadn't read this just before my breakfast of eggs. Disgusting!

Player #15829686
Dong Yang isn't in Zhejiang province, it's in Shangdong province. Having lived in both provinces, I should know!

Player #28422752, And it sounds Nasty!.....

Tina M., Skip the eggs. Have a Tequila Sunrise instead

Wolfgang, bottoms up!

Player #15829686,
That's Dongying from Shandong province

Player #120271469
y6p no desire to go to China for so many reasons, American Chinese food is very good

Maman Moustique
Even the Chinese who are not from this village do not eat or accept such disgusting food. After all, there is a wide diversity in Chinese food and such wierd food is not in main stream of Chinese food. Hopefully, readers could be intelligent enough not to mess up mainstream Chinese food with this wierd food.

toothless beachrat
who thought that this was a good idea?!

Republic of Taiwan
Player #15829686,
According to Google :
Dongyang is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Jinhua in Central Zhejiang Province, China. It covers an area of 1,744.05 km² and administers eleven towns, one township, and six subdistricts. It is part of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Region.
Apparently, there is another Dongyang but in Shandong?