Which insect can pull weights up to 1,141 times its own body weight?
Correct answer: Horned dung beetle
How did they measure the strength of a beetle? Why does this beetle need such prodigious strength? Why doesn't the explanatory text answer the questions it raises?
toothless beachrat
This question makes me think of another perplexing question about animals ..."what's the average weight of a sparrow"?
nudge nudge wink wink
wafa .
do you love pets
dung beetles are the strongest animals on earth
devijun56, which questions Dev.
it's easy to measure the weight of the insect, simply out it on a scale
Player #52729039
what it was easy
_khushi_, L
Aarohi Tripathi
I don't like Insects
Pimpao +, well said sir.