Which of these is a self-educated person?
Correct answer: Autodidact

Silly autocorrect 😁
*I bet a lot of us have been autodidacts at some point of our lives*

SwaySwaySway, I know that l never completed High School but have a second year college education simply because I love to read. I'm bipolar and sometimes reading is the only way I can cope with it.
Narcissistic a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others

autodidacts mispronounce a lot of words because so much of our learning comes from the written word as opposed to the spoken word.

I guess I was an autodidact when I taught myself how to type 😂

Nice to know. I bet a lot of us have been autodidacts at som point og time in out lives.😎📚

Player #21374632
Uninitialized, Reading is great,, i love to read, i love books, which are going out of style, ,sadly the computer is taking over the world,,

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
My partner is one. He taught himself the harmonica. 😎

Abraham Lincoln was self taught. His parents couldn't afford to send him to school,so he read every book he could find.

Player #28583955, aka my dad :(

I never heard of this expression before .. I think all of us are like this.. look at the stores were in everything is self serve. And the auto phone messages we get we have to figure out that two ..

Mars V
Melode, Including every volume of Euclid’s The Elements. Who else has read that?

Globular Martian
SwaySwaySway, I left school aged 14yrs. Never went to University. Eventually applied for a job with the City of London at their Open Spaces department at Epping Forest. Got the job, and I was the very first female Forest Keeper. I made history. Was there just over 27yrs. Retired now, but just goes to show that anyone can improve their knowledge.

Abraham Lincoln taug

Player #42535962
Player #21374632, I am a amature auther I 'm deslexick. Naturly. I make a lot of ma

AnitaGeddaLife, I taught myself to read when I was 4. I had this problem, because I was reading at a higher level and definitely never heard them growing up 🤣

that's me

Player #28583955, that sounds familiar.

Dr Sheldon Cooper comes to mind for some of these choices

Goodbye Moonmen
For the longest time, the best programmers were autodidacts