What type of animal is the cartoon character Speedy Gonzales?
Correct answer: Mouse

Player Say what!?
They don't make funny and clever cartoons anymore.

I have the username wiley coyote because I used to imagine myself as that character in Looney Tunes in my childhood days. And my best childhood friend is, you guessed, Roadrunner.

Lady butterfly
Wileycoyote That was the only cartoon I ever liked!

due to today's standards, this adorable cartoon would be considered offensive.

she greets the trees the flower and everythi

i love the rabbit in looney tune character(but forgot the Name she's so happy that

Olly, or wokery

They don't make cartoons like that anymore. They haven't got the simple sense of fun anymore! If they tried to make one, they'd probably fill it with four letter words, as they do with so many films these days!

Player #66817220
I love the picture.

Player #38381070
ya I know him he is the son of Luis Gonzales just joking!!!!