Why did Ferdinand Magellan give the Pacific Ocean such a name?
Correct answer: The ocean was calm

Player #15718736
Why haven't we heard of the joint leadership before? Let's give credit to both.

I thought of pacifier and calming a baby, so thought it may well be connected by name

The Pacific ocean was first discovered by Vasco Nunez de Balboa. History says that when he saw the calm waters of the Pacific, compared to those of the Atlantic he expressed OC how Pacific peaceful are your Waters

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
as the name connotes

PMP, you are correct. And that is what I was taught in school. Balboa was the first European to see the Pacific and he named it such because it was so much more peaceful than the Atlantic. He saw it in 1513, before Magellan set sail.

When Balboa discovered it (having crossed Panama isthmus) he named it Sea of the South.
When Magellan sailed it, he renamed it Peaceful (especially compared to Straits of Magellan)

Nannad, hehehe nice