What is the name of a children's fairy tale in which the main character can turn straw into gold?
Correct answer: Rumpelstiltskin

Player #21173880, She has to promise to give her first born child to him

Player Eldehem
Uninitialized, not in the original story. The story, like most fairy stories we use now, tell children the 'Disneyfied' (yes, that's actually a real word) version. For example, the ugly sisters were made to wear red hot metal shoes and forced to dance till they died, as punishment for what they did to Cinderella. The Grimm brothers were aptly named because the stories they collected were, indeed, grim.

Player Elf Counsel
Uninitialized, Yes.Don't rely on Wikipedia.

I don't like this story so much.

Goodbye Moonmen
Uninitialized, It was only after the king wanted more gold the next day and the girl had nothing left to give, that she promised him her first born child.