In WWI trench warfare on the Western Front, which disease was most prevalent impacting Allied troops?
Correct answer: Trench fever

We owe so much to all who go, or have gone, to war- we must never forget them.

Player #12041945
Thank you for this- some things should never be forgotten.

Player #19176333
So much needs to be learned so it can never be forgotten.

Poor soldiers. As if they didn't have enough to contend with.

my grandfather was what was called a mule skinner. he and his mule hauled ammo and weapons to front line. he would put his clothes on his mule at night as lice can't survive. we owe so much to all soldiers who continue to fight for our freedom

Tina M.
I'm so puzzled by some of the thumbs-down. These war heroes must never be forgotten.

Lorraine , 👍 so true

All wars are fought to enrich someone.

Poor men sent to their graves to ensure resources and wealth to the already wealthy is the truth of war. Never believe the propaganda put out by our governments. Remember the lies told by Tony Blair, Margaret thatcher and others who have sent our brave men and women to war foisted on them by the lies of the rich.

Ducky, the lice survived but just lived on the mule instead of the men.