What is the name of this hot spring?

Correct answer: Morning Glory Pool

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What people think about it: 13 Comments
Player #5684840
Player #5684840
The colors look different from when I saw it more than 40 years ago. I wish people didn't just mess things up for fun.
Player Sherry
Player Sherry
glad they put up a sign. I hope it hope it helps!
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Imagine how beautiful the world would be without humans messing it up. I read in a book I bought at Yellowstone of a young man's lab running into the water for a swim. The young man dove in to save his dog and they both died instantly in the near boiling water. Incredibly sad.
Yknip 7
Yknip 7
The geothermal features in Yellowstone Park are absolutely incredible! A must see!
Flower Lady
Flower Lady
Player #21173880, you should marry that girl
Player Say what!?, Not this guy, I'd have tried to save my dog too. But Yellowstone tourons are rapidly becoming a serious problem. I wish people would think first!
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Jen, Kind of an exaggeration. Sadly it takes a few if unthankful people to cause much ruin. But many people love and respect this gift that God gave us, this beautiful earth
Beautiful place to see, but it made me nauseous because of the sulfur smell.
It is said that without nature humans would die. W ithout animals humans would die. Without humans the planet would flourish. ☹️
 Chris RN
Chris RN
Player Sherry, It may help to place a sign, although it’s doubtful. Can these jackanapes even read?
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
a visit to the hot springs and geysers in Yellowstone is amazing.. hundreds of them .. all within walking distance.. each one unique..
Player #49575959
Player #49575959
Player Say what!?, psalms 37:10,11
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
Player #21119375ChrisRN, It's one place EVERYONE in the country should see in their lifetime. It's spectacular, and it takes a few days to see it. They say it could all BLOW UP at any time. By the way, my name really is Chris R.