Which freshwater lake has sharks?
Correct answer: Lake Nicaragua

Wow, had no idea sharks could be in a lake!

I believe bull sharks have also been found far up freshwater rivers.

the aquarium at Niagara falls New York has a freshwater shark that was caught in Lake Erie which means the great lakes have freshwater sharks they're kind of ugly looking they're not dangerous so Lake Superior is technically a correct answer as well

Player #26129643
Not upset about getting this one wrong. Happy to learn.

The Zambezi River also has sharks in it.

sharks are sooo smart to jump from sea to rivers(salt water to fresh water) and be able to live in fresh water.

Apparently Bull Sharks have adapted to be able to swim in fresh water, they are often found in Australian rivers, I knew watching River Monsters would prove helpful one day!!

reerie29 I didn't know that sharks could swim up waterfalls. maybe it wanted to go to Lake Erie but got stuck in the Niagara aquarium.

Bull Sharks are also found in the Parramatta River in Sydney

Cam Pos
Beverly, I've never seen a shark in Zambezi River...

Laurie, They are one of the nastiest sharks. Worse than Great Whites.

Guillermo Jr.
wizard32125, and very shallow