Where do seahorse eggs develop?
Correct answer: In the male's pouch

Player Ejag
We ordered some once, a long time ago. But so many hatched that we didn’t have a big enough aquarium for them and many died. I hope this kind of thing is illegal now.

Player #21374632
DeerFriend, Caught one in my fishing net once, beautiful tiny interesting animals,

This game loves Seahorse questions.

Player Elf Council
Player #18954016, My father in law used to breed them.

Player #21374632
Player Elf Council, Wow, I would love to see that,only saw one in real life and i live on the east coast America,

Giggle pig
Player Ejag, oh, yes, there we go. It didn’t work for me so let’s outlaw it.

i still don't know if seahorses are hermaphrodite

bryan roy
why not just the male and female since the so called female is the one depositing the egg

And I thought Seabiscuit was a seahorse, hahaha.

aryavir nitarayo
I loved Question

Player #27337815
Among the Kingdom Animalia seahorses are the only one whose males become pregnant rather than other classes of the Animal Kingdom. It's a very interesting thing to know.