All cats are born with what color eyes?
Correct answer: Blue

Pointed breeds: commonly Siamese cats -- i.e. "chocolate-pointed", meaning brown-tipped colored ears, nose, paws, and tails. Any breed of cat that has a tipped (pointed) color of some type.

I own a Ragdoll cat, this breed has blue eyes which remain blue as these cats are genetically albino. Kittens are born white and colour points emerge, which gradually darken with age. we adopted our cat at one year and points had developed by then

The question says “all cats.” Then the explanation says it is rare. Can NOT be both.

Happy Hippie, rare in adults but all kittens have them

Happy Hippie
Why do you ask "all cats" in the question but say it's "rare" in your answer? Make up your mind.

Happy Hippie
all the "ese" cats and Himalayans.

Player #38618593
Player: Coco,
Read it again. Blue eyes, white coat.

Player: Coco
How can other breeds have blue eyes that are also white in colour?

What are pointed breeds?