Which waterfall stopped for more than 30 hours in 1848 due to ice jams in the river?
Correct answer: Niagara Falls

Player #13336351, never trust the pictures!

Player en_846
i.didn't know this.
It's amazing to think that volume of water could be reduced to a trickle.

I am not a number.
I wonder what it was like when the water eventually broke through the ice. it must have been spectacular.

Gets real cold in Buffalo with the lake effect.

where did all the water go ?

That is incredible/ kinda hard to believe! I was in total awe when I saw them. Just can't imagine, even with our cold weather, that would be possible.

Player #13336351
Why show a picture of the Gulfoss falls if it isn’t the answer? That’s sneaky!

Kat, Yes, Niagra Falls is 15 to 30 times that wide.

Evan Hunt
I believe the waterfall in the picture is Selfoss in Iceland

Player #13336351, it was a trick pic