Which of these syndromes actually exists?

Correct answer: Van Gogh syndrome

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What people think about it: 27 Comments
This is so distressing to read, really sorry to hear individuals are suffering so much
Player #9043571
Player #9043571
I always learn something new on quizland. this was really interesting particularly as Van Gogh is one of my favourite artists.
This is heartbreaking 😢, it says that babies 9-18 months can suffer.
I thought Munchausen was when parents does something to a child to make it sick, then rush it to the hospital pretending to be a hero instead of the harmer
Player #42172574
Player #42172574
Now I know what kind of mental disorder my niece had. Before she tured 18, she used to mark her nails on her own arms when her mother scolded her. Quite scary attitude.
I have also seen in a documentary that Van Gogh did not cut a part of his ear off but the friend of his did it during a fight they had and Van Gogh took the blame so not to get his lover and friend in trouble,etc,,made sense to me, his brother stated that Vince would take the blame for things that he did not do to keep others from punishment,
Player #9043571, the starry night painting was his view from the asylum
SynRen, the term for the syndrome you describe is Munchausen-by-Proxy. In my view, it is a most wicked form of child abuse. The abuser is a sociopath who uses a helpless dependent to portray themselves as a victim and a hero at the same time.
SynRen, that’s munchausen by proxy. But I agree that the condition in the question is not related to munchausen.
Callie Rose
Callie Rose
Munchausen, is actually Munchausen by proxy, a psychological condition were a parent or guardian continually harms or makes a child ill to garner pity, or attention to the parents suffering in having a sick child. the syndrome is named for a series of children stories from Germany, about a fictional Baron Von Munchausen, who goes on fantastical adventures.
Player #47559534
Player #47559534
SynRen, that is munchausen by proxy
Pippa, I know your pain. Really do. 😞
I’ve been picking sores for any years - they’ll start as a small accidental injury like scraping my leg against a table or a cut from thorns from doing the gardening. Then I’ll pick them to feel the pain and see the blood. I don’t let them heal and I scratch and tear until they’re the size of a 50p piece. I eat the scab. Eventually my body heals the injury from underneath and I dontget anymore blood from picking. I’m a victim of physical and mental abuse from both my violent alcoholic father and my terrifying narcissistic ex husband. On the plus side this is all done in secret and I would never ever hurt another person coz I know what that feels like. I’m a people pleaser and an empath.
SynRen, that is Munchhausen by proxy. Munchhausen‘s is when do they do it to themselves. By proxy version is when they do it to their children.
SynRen, that’s Munchausen by proxy.
Such a horrible condition 😔
Player #90217926
Player #90217926
Player #38618593, I believe their intention is to get attention and sympathy, not necessarily to play the hero. though it seems that could be a welcome outcome.
Player #90217926
Player #90217926
SynRen, that is Munchausen by proxy
Player #8907606
Player #8907606
Player #28422752, mental health needs lot of professional help and support from the family. Is very sad there is so many people have them.
Children from 9-12 Months?!!
Player #56195396, Van Gogh truly suffered. I believe ‘died by suicide’ is the most recent term when referring to an individual take their life
SynRen, I think that is Munchausen by Proxy. About to nod off, so look it up. ;0)
SynRen, so did I!
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
JCD, Or to look like a hero saving them.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #56195396, Sometimes the "help" does not work or does more harm than good. Sometimes we are beyond help.
Individuals with past trauma- as VanGogh had who also struggle with depression, anxiety and cognitive distortions brought on by abuse or mental health challenges can self harm. Burning self, cutting self and head banging are other ways people self harm. They can be helped to stop this behavior.
Player #9043571, Tatoo's are a way of self injurious behavior.